Bentley View Help

Customizing Printer Driver Configuration Files

The quickest way to create a customized printer driver configuration file is to edit one of the sample files supplied with the printing system. When you modify a sample printer driver configuration file, it is a good idea to retain the original file in its default location, and to save the modified file with a different name and a different Display Label, in a separate directory.

The product provides you with a separate directory for this purpose — ..Configuration\Organization\Pltcfg. In addition to customized printer driver configuration files, you can use this directory to store copies of all printer driver configuration files that you commonly use. This helps to ensure that your modified files are not overwritten during a subsequent software update, or reinstall. For details on how to customize a printer driver configuration file, see To Edit the Selected Printer Driver Configuration File .

The default .pltcfg files are delivered under ..\MicroStation\Default\Pltcfg, a location which you should avoid changing.

Printer driver configuration files are found using the search path MS_PLTCFG_PATH. By default, this search path resolves to:



In the event no Organization tree is present, the printer drivers files in the ..\MicroStation\Default\Pltcfg folder will be used.

Note: To ensure that your print reflects all changes that you make to a printer driver configuration file, usually you must generate a new print.

For specific information and guidance in customizing and using the driver associated with your printer, you can open the printer driver configuration file that you intend to use in an appropriate editor. You then can follow the instructions in the file to customize your printer driver configuration file.

Selecting File > Edit Printer Driver Configuration in the Print dialog opens a printer driver configuration file.